
现在的表白方式越来越多,什么古诗词表白,文艺表白,浪漫表白,数字表白,密码表白,藏头诗表白,委婉暗示表白……表白的方式简直不要太多 。 今天给大家分享一个不一样的表白方式,那就是表白英语句子唯美短句带翻译,帮你打动她的心 。
1、there is no reason to fall in love with you;since the day I saw you,you have entered my world;swallowed my heart and captured my soul;since then,I can no longer control myself;every day,I think of you,every minute,I read about you,every second,I can not leave you.
翻译:爱上了你,没有什么理由;自从见到你的那一天开始,你就走进了我的世界;吞食了我的心,俘虏了我的灵魂;从此以后,我就再也控制不了我自己;每一天,我想的是你,每一分,我念的是你,每一秒,我都离不开你 。



2、When you come to my world,I feel that we have a story of life;during this period of time,I always fantasize about our most beautiful future and the happiest life bit by bit;thinking,I am immersed in it and never want to come out again;so I really can't wait to come to your side and say I love you.
翻译:当你来到我的世界,我就觉得我们有着一生的故事;这段时间以来,我总是幻想着我们最美的未来,最幸福的人生点滴;想着想着,我都沉浸在了里面,再也不想出来;所以真的好想迫不及待的走到你的身边,对你说一声我爱你 。
3、In that instant,you came into my world;in that second,I fell in love with you;wherever I went,and wherever I went,you became all of my life and the most loved person in my life;as long as you think about,you feel that life has become infinitely beautiful,as long as you think about,that is the most beautiful youth.
翻译:在那一瞬间,你就走进了我的世界;在那一秒里,我就爱上了你;不管我走到何方,也不管我去到何处,你都成为了我生命中的全部,成为了我一生最爱的人;只要想着你,感觉人生变得无限美丽,只要想着你,那就是最美的青春 。
4、in the sea of people,we can meet,that is the greatest happiness of this life;when you come to my side,I feel a fragrance;how yearning,how fascinating;unnaturally,I found that I have long fallen in love with you 。 really,deeply in love,I do not know if you have sensed that I have lost my soul in love with you.
翻译:在人海之中,我们能够相遇,那就是此生最大的福;当你走到我的身边,我感觉到了一阵清香;是多么的令人向往,是多么的让人迷恋;不自然之间,我发现,我早就爱上了你;爱得真,也爱得深,不知道你是不是已经感应到,我爱你已经失去了灵魂 。


5、Walking on the road of life,I can't resist the madness when love comes;your beautiful face has been immersed in my heart for a long time,and I can't extricate myself from it;your charming appearance makes me feel that I must have a good love in life;even if I lose everything and betray the whole world,I will spare no effort.
翻译:走在人生路上,我挡不住爱情到来时的疯狂;你那美丽的面容,早就浸入到我的心中,让我再也无法自拔;你那迷人的样子,让我感觉到了人生在世,必须要好好的爱一场;就算失去了所有,背叛了全世界,我都在所不惜 。
6、To love your life,I think it's my youth I want;to think of your world,I think it's my eternal future;in this life,I don't want anything but to be able to accompany you through every step of life and every day of life 。 regardless of the outcome,I want to say to you that I love you;I will never change my life,and follow you forever.
翻译:爱着你的人生,我觉得就是我想要的青春;想着有你的世界,我觉得就是我永恒的未来;这辈子,什么都不渴求,只希望能够陪着你,走过生命中的每一步,走过人生中的每一天;无论结局如何,我都想对你说,我爱上了你;一生不变,一世相随 。
7、Unconsciously,you have entered my world and entered my life;I have told myself countless times that you can't climb a beautiful woman like that;but no matter how I control it,I will still miss you or fall in love with you;because you have entered my bone marrow and into my blood;now I want to say to you,I love you.
翻译:不知不觉中,你就走进了我的世界,走进了我的生命里;我给自己说过无数次,那样的美女你高攀不起;可是无论我怎么控制,我依然还是会想你,还是会恋你;因为你已经进入到了我的骨髓之中,已经进入到了我的血液里;现在我想对你说,我爱你 。
