来听中传优秀学子如何用英语讲好中国故事 如何用英语讲好中国故事

【来听中传优秀学子如何用英语讲好中国故事 如何用英语讲好中国故事】如何用英语讲好中国故事(来听中传优秀学子如何用英语讲好中国故事)在2020年10月5日至7日举行的第25届中国日报社“21世纪·可口可乐杯”全国大学生英语演讲比赛总决赛中我校新闻传播学部电视学院2017级广播电视学(国际新闻传播方向)汪宗楠同学荣获全国一等奖!先跟着传传一睹他的赛场风采吧!??英语演讲的经历?口语学习的秘密?保研清华的秘诀?脱口秀表演的经验?猛戳下方音频解锁汪宗楠同学的独门秘籍~Part 01表达的初心Original AspirationI was born in a family that integrates the north and south culture of China. My father is from Henan province, while my mother is from Sichuan. I have been fond of imitating all kinds of accents since my childhood. Not only is it fun, but the same accent also makes me feel more close to my family.我出生在一个融合了中国南北文化的家庭,我父亲是河南人,母亲是四川人 。从小我就喜欢模仿各种口音 。这样不仅有趣,而且相同的口音让我更能融入我的两个家族 。During my university life, I went to Sweden as an exchange student. Apart from the local people I met, I also made friends from France, Brazil, India, South Korea and other countries in the world. From then on, I began to imitate the English accents of different places and learned about cultures from stories of my friends'.大学期间,我去瑞典进行了交换学习 。除了瑞典当地人,我还结识了来自法国、巴西、印度、韩国等地的朋友 。我也开始模仿各地的英语口音,从朋友的口中了解他们国家的文化 。汪宗楠在瑞典与同学的合照From those experiences, I found that each kind of culture has its own extraordinary characteristics, no matter it is from the north or south of China, or even the eastern or western world. Under the background of globalization today, I gradually come to realize the significance of maintaining our cultural confidence and promoting mutual learning among diverse cultures.我越来越觉得,不管是中国的南北,还是世界的东西,每一种文化都有着异乎寻常的魅力 。在强调着全球化的今天,我却愈发认识到保持文化自信、促进多元文化互鉴的重要性 。We should not only focus on the traditional culture like Li Ziqi to meet the orientalism of the western world. China’s modern culture such as 5G, express delivery and Guochao should also be stressed.而提起中国文化时,我们也不应只宣扬“李子柒”式的传统文化来满足外国人的“东方想象”,5G、快递、国潮等现代文化也需要走向更广阔的世界舞台 。
